Drew Murphy Strength (Gym, Personal Training, Group Training, Programming, Meal Plans)

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Training Regimen

This is the workout routine I have been using for the last several weeks. I plan to continue this training plan until my progress starts to slow. Notice again, this is not extremely specific to human flagging. I said in the “intro” that my goal of increasing total body strength still takes priority to my goal of holding a longer flag. 

In many ways, this is just a general strength training program with some focus toward flagging. I am testing my theory of…getting stronger overall will also lead to a stronger flag, but only getting strong at flagging will not necessarily lead to more total body strength. 

Take a look at my training split. Let me know what you think of it. Take some things from it to add to your own training!



Warm up with jumping rope, muscle ups, and rollouts.

A1. Front Squat (3 reps x 5 sets)

A2. BB Bench (5 x 5. Every 3 weeks, work up to 3 singles after 5 x 5)

B1. Power Clean (3 x 3)

B2. High DB Incline (6-10 x 3)

C1. DB Side Bend (x 2 sets. I do these every day to end the workout. The reps undulate on a three day cycle: Day 1= 30 reps, Day 2=20, reps Day 3=10 reps)



Warm up with glute ham raises and muscle ups.

A1. Deadlift (5 x 5)

A2. BB Curl (10-15 x 5)

B1. DB Side Bend (x 2 sets)



Warm up with jumping rope, muscle ups, and rollouts.

A1. Power Clean to Push Press (5 x 5)

A2. DB Row (5-15 x 5)

B1. DB Side Bend (x 2 sets)



Warm up with glute ham raises and muscle ups.

A1. Front Squat (5 x 1, 3 x 2, 1 x 2)

A2. Miscellaneous Iron Cross Work (x 5 sets)

B1. DB Side Bend (x 2 sets)

B2. Miscellaneous Iron Cross Work (x 2 sets)



Warm up with jumping rope, muscle ups, and rollouts.

A1. The rest of the day is specific human flag work, along with any other choice exercises.

B1. DB Side Bend (x 2 sets)



Warm up with jumping rope, muscle ups, and rollouts.

A1. Deadlift. Work up to 3 singles.

B1. The rest of the day is miscellaneous human flag accessory work.

C1. DB Side Bend (x 2 sets)



Off day, or some light bodyweight work if I am feeling good.



Thanks for reading today! 

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